client: Wiener Haus project: New retail concept development place: Udine year: 2023
Wiener Haus is a brewery restaurant where the protagonist is the Wiener... +
Wiener Haus is a brewery restaurant where the protagonist is the Wiener Schnitzel, a breaded and freshly cooked cutlet, which is accompanied by Kozel beer, the best-selling Czech beer in the world, offered in large copper tanks inside the restaurant.
In the project there is also a cafeteria that works all day and overlooks the completely openable veranda facing the street.
The design of the place is inspired by the tradition of Central European cafes, interpreted in a contemporary key, with an international and familiar personality at the same time.
The architectural box is quite industrial, with a cast concrete floor and raw walls warmed by wooden paneling and low-voltage lamps.
The white and green ceramics refer to the Art Nouveau majolica and also the green painted niche sitting rooms with their geometric decorations and the opaline glass lamps are a clear reference to the stylistic gestures of the time.
All the custom-made furniture is highly designed, characterized by white and green geometric decorations combined with the warmth of wood. The large custom chandeliers are made of wood and Vienna straw, a material that we also find on the center hall benches. The presence of high tables with tap included makes this restaurant perfect for groups of friends who can tap their own beer directly at the table in a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere.
Camilla Bach– photography
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